Progress as a Liquid Dancer

So I've been doing a lot of liquid dancing lately. Apart from going to a few raucous parties now and again, I've been trying to contribute back to the scene that has given me so much. I have been developing a tutorial series on the fundamentals of liquid:

I get some really amazing warm feedback from posting these from people who are intensely interested in the same stuff that I am. It also helps me strengthen my technique when I force myself to ponder these typically non-linguistic ideas and articulate them for others.

Also, I've assisted a friend with a project and co-authred his paper on liquid dance and HCI:

It all started when Diego contacted me about questions about the Lumarca project. We got to talking and hit it off and I learned that he was really into Laban Movement Analysis, which is a very cool way of trying to capture and describe movement from an academic perspective.

Anyhow, we hit it off very quickly and I kept trying to force down his throat this idea that I had, which was that whenever the true 3d interfaces of tomorrow make it to our living rooms, the people who study liquid will be the power users. Further, that anybody building designs for 3d interaction should be looking at this community, because the fundamental principles that drive this form of dance are perfect principles for designing elegant, efficient, beautiful, and natural 3d interfaces.

Anyhow, one thing led to another, and now this counts as the second masters thesis I've inspired! : D (The first being Matt Parker's on the Lumarca at ITP).

So yeah, just wanted to share all of that. HCI people, meet liquid people. Liquid people, meet HCI people. I have a feeling y'all will be a match made in heaven someday...